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    Re: R.I.P. Mary Urioste Archived Message

    Posted by Opie2 on April 16, 2017, 7:54 am, in reply to "R.I.P. Mary Urioste"

    You know, I didn't know Mrs. Urioste personally. Like hundreds, I knew her when I saw her at Mr. Twist.

    In the last few days, I've probably heard her name a hundred times. I've read tributes and seen flowers placde along the walk on her corner.

    I thought to myself, here is a lady who wasn't a politician, she wasn't involved in major city planning or in some type of big city event.
    Here's a lady who didn't discover a cure for cancer or an island in the south Pacific.

    No, here was a lady who gained fame and notoriety by simply being a good person. A lady who always made you feel like she welcomed you to her home instead of her business. Here's a lady who employed hundreds of kids for their first high school job. Here's a lady who would offer a couple of kids who she knew couldn't afford an ice cream cone a free one as they walked by her store on a hot summer day. Here's a lady who in simply cared about people. That's a legacy each and every one of us should be happy to claim.

    RIP Mrs. Urioste. You left this world a much better place because of a big heart and a warm smile. You made people feel good and you will always be remembered for that. God bless and keep you and may a corner in heaven now be serving one heck of an ice cream cone.

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