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    Part III - working together Archived Message

    Posted by 3Dee on April 12, 2017, 11:14 pm, in reply to "Part II --- The Vision"

    I've been down this road before...

    Then part III is something I talked about many times... consolidation of power and creating a common vision with neighbors .. like Pontoon and Madison and Venice.

    I don't really want to get into part III....

    But does point to another problem of the conservative thinking of St. Louis. It has nothing to do with your politics. It has to do with the inability to change and to remain static and stagnant. Even conservative voters can be progressive in their thinking....and many of them are...

    But the St. Louis area does not see the possibilities of what can be achieved stepping out of its comfort zone.

    St. Louis area has several postage stamp municipalities....and in Illinois way too many levels of governing districts that could be slashed.

    Consolidating cities and counties save on salaries and overhead and make services more economical and efficient.

    Because Part III has been discussed quite a bit... that's enough for now.

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