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    Re: Hagnauer flyer Archived Message

    Posted by horseygirl on March 19, 2017, 12:35 pm, in reply to "Re: Hagnauer flyer"

    Wow, Opie, you really have it in for Helen Hawkins. I have to disagree with you, there.

    She has most certainly been a voice for her constituents for as long as I have known her, even if it wasn't popular among party lines, or if her concerns fell on deaf, already bought and paid for, ears.

    She's also one of the ones up there that actually does speak up and voice opinions rather than go along with the party lines that have been operating for some time under questionable ethics.

    I, in 27 years, have never met my county board member that you also mentioned. It galls me that she runs unopposed every time, when we have the problems in our area like we do. Where is she? You're right, she's useless.

    Please don't put Helen in to that group.

    After all of these years, and everything that Helen HAS done for her people during her time, she deserves much better from those who certainly know what she has been through as a woman in the "good old boys'" political world around here.

    She HAS stood up to them on occasion, often enough to piss them off and want her gone, now. Don't you see the set ups? I do, they've been pretty transparent.

    And unless Nameoki Township wants their questionable stuff to quickly disappear and never, ever be brought to light, they'd better keep her as their Clerk again this time. Why do they want her gone? She knows more than anybody what has been going on under several different Supervisors and administrations, and attorneys. She's been the one lone dissenting voice many times in her tenure.

    The challenger with the familiar family name? I'm sure she's very nice, but she's inexperienced and is running with the same team that has brought all of this embarrassment to our Nameoki Township government--and may be being brought in as a "sweeper" to clean up the accrued garbage that we can all suspect is there....

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