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    Re: Funny But Maybe Not Archived Message

    Posted by elcooksta on November 22, 2016, 7:39 am, in reply to "Re: Funny But Maybe Not"

    "Our fathers came back from war and resumed their lives. They went back to work and put the war behind them. This generation, and I respect them greatly, come back with this new PTSD issue. They can't find work. They can't keep a family together and they become victims of their own minds. Ask yourself what the difference is. "

    They didn't put the war behind them, they suffered in silence, and it was a detriment to entire nation (especially their families). My Uncle Steve still suffers to this day.

    "We know better," I always say.

    Yeah..the 60s...... y'all had the nation by the balls and sold out for picket fences and indebtedness (generally speaking).

    Im old school, so it's not that I don't "get it" (just last night a fellow parent was shocked that I dont jump when my daughters say so..... )..

    I have 3 kids, btw, for full disclosure 16, 13, 11..all good students and better kids (subjectively speaking).

    If someone is a liberal, A REAL LIBERAL, they dont believe in free everything. Let's get that clear right now. Liberals believe in progression past the "norm" (50,000 foot level speaking), Conservatives like things "they way they are" or have a nostalgic tint on "they way things were" (thats why "country" everything sells, for example).

    “The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

    Do you know who said that?

    Socrates.... a REALLY long time ago.

    I am sure Im going to be considered a dusty old codger when I get to the age you guys are (not insulting your age, btw...), I think that is the "way of things" (already feeling too tired in the rat race, so I am solidifying my stances on things (probably at the detriment to mental advancement, I am sure).


    My intent (which, like most of my internet transmissions, loses alot when going from vocal/visual to text) was to just challenge your assertion about me as a parent (and pretty much every parent I interact with, and as a soccer-dad, I interact with many).

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