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    Re: Fondest memory Archived Message

    Posted by whatusay on June 30, 2011, 11:47 pm, in reply to "Re: Fondest memory"

    Watching "Creature Feature" with my mom, sister and brother while our dad was working the evening shift at the mill, munching on a big honkin' homemade Chef Boyardee pizza my mom would bake, and screeching at the scary movie.

    Playing cut-throat games of jacks, pick up sticks, Sorry or Aggravation in my parent's dining room, again with my mom and siblings and friends.

    Going to the confectionery in our neighborhood with a quarter or fifty cents (if you were really lucky) and walking out with a bag full of penny candy and a kayo chocolate soda in a gnarly, battered, thick returnable bottle.

    Who remembers the smell from inside the soda coolers, the one you slide the lids over and reach down inside to pluck out a bottle? They had a distinctive smell I remember to this day.

    I remember playing Barbie's with a vengeance with my friends, trading outfits, and collecting troll dolls when they first came out.

    I could go on forever, those days were the best.

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