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    Re: By Gosh/By Golly Archived Message

    Posted by Dr. Ray Langston on April 6, 2011, 10:53 am, in reply to "By Gosh/By Golly"

    I see that Pagano and Hankins won, those are the only 2 candidate's names I remember from VIP, did any others win? (It doesn't list by party on Madison County clerk's site)

    I'm happy to see that Whitaker won in ward 1, even though I'm not in that ward anymore, I'm happy for her, she was such a big help in the downtown redevelopment.

    I'm also glad to see that the sales tax increase failed miserably. Yes: 7,406, No: 30,697

    It was the last thing we needed in this economy....

    I am disappointed that our very own Ron Burton lost, and Jon Ferry lost for library board, but oh well, take your victories where you can get them, I suppose.

    Are you going to run again in 2 years, Mr. Burton?

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