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    Taxes Archived Message

    Posted by operator on April 6, 2011, 8:14 am

    Per this mornings paper, every dang gum tax increases that was on the ballot's failed by a goodly margin. Yippee
    It is sad that we've already been taxed nearly out of our homes, and in some cases-out, it is sad we have to say "NO MORE" and the dam ones who keep wanting to pad their salaries,benefits, and hire their friends and family, had best learn how to stay content with what they have. It is small wonder, some like myself drive across the river to buy gas and smokes, and consider moving to other states, after retirement. I'd live in a house trailer or rent if my wife would go along with it, in a short period of years, we'll have no choice.

    Message Thread:

    • Taxes - operator April 6, 2011, 8:14 am