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    Re: Sales Tax Archived Message

    Posted by Opinionated on March 26, 2011, 6:04 pm, in reply to "Re: Sales Tax"

    Timing is an issue. We're in such a mess nation wide in matters of the economy it does seem like bad timing. However, factor this. We've been through depressions and recessions before.

    If we don't find ways to keep up our nation's infrastructure and it crumbles, we'll spend even more trying to fix it.

    In our own homes we have to keep things repaired. My home is nearly as old as some school buildings. Since I've been here I've put on two roofs, replaced carpeting four or five times, painted ten times. Sometimes I did it out of necessity. Sometimes Mrs. O just wanted change.

    In either case, I knew that if I re-invested in my home it would keep it's value. Sure, when I'm gone my kids will sell it for whatever they can get, lol, but at least I will have left it to them in good shape.

    As I said to Speaking Out, it's a good topic for debate. By the way Watchdog, welcome to da house.

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