on October 8, 2015, 7:13 am, in reply to "Re: Citro�n Picasso 1.6 NFV 2005 - Main beam staying on - Fixed #"
BSM module tends to be plug in and go with No configuration options. But what this does mean is the choice of hardware is massive, therefore you must replace with the correct part numbers.
also the price can vary from £50 to £180 but they all tend to look the same at first glance.
BSI module is a different story , this is a coded and programmed device. You just cannot fit a used unit because when matched it becomes locked to the vehicle. The units maybe virginized by eeprom rework.
New units require special care when fitting, customer code is required and configuration is complex without diagbox and online official conection.
Message Thread Citroën Picasso 1.6 NFV 2005 - Main beam staying on - Fixed # - Neil Whiston September 23, 2015, 10:38 pm
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