Teapot, 3.75 inches high. This pattern is illustrated in Lechler1989, p. 33 (Figure #85). The shape of the teapot in Lechler is a bit different than the one above. The pattern is an all-over or sheet pattern. The myrtle has shiny leaves and fragrant mainly white flowers with five petals and sepals. Ancient Greeks thought myrtle was sacred to the goddess of love, Aphrodite (Venus). Thus, It is not uncommon to see the myrtle flower given as a gift during weddings - this is due to the fact that the myrtle's main symbol is marital fidelity, as well as simple, uncomplicated love. Other people believe that these blossoms symbolize good luck in relationships, prosperity, and a long, happy life. To see other patterns made for children and to learn more about them, see Children's Subjects/Toy China Patterns in the database.
The maker is unknown, so hard to say whether it is Scotch or English in origin.
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