I'd like to make some Lichtenberg figures and actually have access to a Clinical Linear Accelerator. Is there a specific DOSE that needs to be delivered to the acrylic and does it need to be a high DOSE-RATE? I delivered ~ 100 Gy to a 4 in x 4 in x 1 in pieceof acrylic with no results. Any tips?
Re: Lichtenberg figures
Posted by Bert Hickman on 1/11/2021, 10:44 am, in reply to "Lichtenberg figures"
Previous Message
I'd like to make some Lichtenberg figures and actually have access to a Clinical Linear Accelerator. Is there a specific DOSE that needs to be delivered to the acrylic and does it need to be a high DOSE-RATE? I delivered ~ 100 Gy to a 4 in x 4 in x 1 in pieceof acrylic with no results. Any tips?
In order to get a good internal figure, you need to cumulatively deposit about 1-3 microcoulombs of charge per square cm inside the acrylic. Depending on the beam current, it may be necessary to chill the acrylic to reduce charge leakage. we have used dry ics chilling for making Lichtenberg figures on lower-current research machines.
A couple of papers provide some practical information on using medical accelerators:
"TECHNICAL NOTE: Production of electron trees with a clinical electron accelerator" by D. Pomaré, K. Stansfield, C. Lewis, and M. A. Ebert, Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine Volume 27 Number 1, 2004
"Lichtenberg Figures (Making them using a Varian Model 2100 Clinac)" by Markus Arn and Wolf Seelentag, Swiss Society for Radiation Biology and Medical Physics. http://www.ssrpm.ch/old/lichtenberg.htm
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