I am progressing nicely with my quarter shrinker. I recently finished the blast cage made of 3/8 inch steel and G10.
I now have a question concerning the pulse capacitor. I have one of those Aerovox 2-terminal units. Should I ground the case or just leave it floating? I am currently planning on connecting a dedicated earth ground to one terminal of the capacitor.
I also have a question about charge/discharge meters. I am currently planning on using separate meters for charging and discharging. The reason is that I had some concern about having a single meter connected during the firing event even though one side of the meter would be grounded to earth. The charge meter is a 0-25 microammeter with a 1G ohm multiplier resistor. The discharge meter is 25-0-25 microammeter with a 1G ohm multiplier resistor. What are you using?
Re: Quarter shrinker
Posted by Bert on 5/6/2019, 10:45 am, in reply to "Quarter shrinker"
Hi Steve,
Sounds great!
I'd definitely recommend grounding the case for safety. As far as I know, there are no restrictions on grounding either capacitor terminal or grounding the case.
I use a 100uA FS meter with a 0-15 kV scale with two 75 Meg 10 kV Caddock HV resistors in series. The meter and resistors have performed flawlessly for about 20 years now.
You'll have to shoot me some pictures when you get a chance. Also, it may be easier to address questions or discuss progress via email instead f this clunky message board. I'm at bert@capturedlightning.com
Good luck and best wishes,
Previous Message
I am progressing nicely with my quarter shrinker. I recently finished the blast cage made of 3/8 inch steel and G10.
I now have a question concerning the pulse capacitor. I have one of those Aerovox 2-terminal units. Should I ground the case or just leave it floating? I am currently planning on connecting a dedicated earth ground to one terminal of the capacitor.
I also have a question about charge/discharge meters. I am currently planning on using separate meters for charging and discharging. The reason is that I had some concern about having a single meter connected during the firing event even though one side of the meter would be grounded to earth. The charge meter is a 0-25 microammeter with a 1G ohm multiplier resistor. The discharge meter is 25-0-25 microammeter with a 1G ohm multiplier resistor. What are you using?