Hi, I am a Children's Pastor in Nashville TN, I have been doing a science themed VBS / Summer camp for some time now and I want to add a Tesla Coils to the mix of demos that I do. I have the coil just about built. My big question is safety? Would making a Faraday cage that would surround my Tesla Coil (say a 3 foot radius around the coil) keep it from arking out side of the cage?
Most of the places I do my program I have 10 - 20 feet between me and my audiences, one or two of the venues up to 30 feet. I'm thinking that they would probably be safe at those distances as the coils isn't huge.
The Primary coil is sixteen inches diameter with a secondary coil is 1.9" diameter and 20" tall. It has a 10" stainless sphere for a top load. I have not yet purchased my transformer put plan to use a 9000v 30ma NLT. I also have a terry filter as to not blow out my transformer.
Will a grounded cage around the coil work for my needs?
--Previous Message-- : Hi, I am a Children's Pastor in Nashville TN, : I have been doing a science themed VBS / : Summer camp for some time now and I want to : add a Tesla Coils to the mix of demos that I : do. I have the coil just about built. My big : question is safety? Would making a Faraday : cage that would surround my Tesla Coil (say : a 3 foot radius around the coil) keep it : from arking out side of the cage? : : Most of the places I do my program I have 10 : - 20 feet between me and my audiences, one : or two of the venues up to 30 feet. I'm : thinking that they would probably be safe at : those distances as the coils isn't huge. : : The Primary coil is sixteen inches diameter : with a secondary coil is 1.9" diameter : and 20" tall. It has a 10" : stainless sphere for a top load. I have not : yet purchased my transformer put plan to use : a 9000v 30ma NLT. I also have a terry filter : as to not blow out my transformer. : : Will a grounded cage around the coil work : for my needs?
Sorry for the LONG delay in responding. I just discovered that your message had not been approved and posted just this morning.
As long as the audience is kept far enough away from the coil so that there is no possibility of anyone getting struck by a streamer, there's no need for a metal wire cage around the coil. However, adding a grounded wire cage will make the sparks hotter and louder when arcing to the cage.