My name is James Goss, you mentioned me in the history of coin shrinking. Richard Hull always referred to me as Jim Goss. If you’ll give me your e-mail I would like to chat with you.
If you prefer using James versus Jim I'll change the Coin Shrinking History page. Also, let me know if there is anything else I should change or add. We still shrink coins here - we've shrunk over 7,000 since 2002. Once I changed to a pair of 70 uF 12 kV Maxwell capacitors, the capacitor reliability problem disappeared. My email address is
Best wishes,
Bert Hickman Stoneridge Engineering
--Previous Message-- : Hello Bert, : : My name is James Goss, you mentioned me in the history of coin shrinking. : Richard Hull always referred to me as Jim Goss. If you�ll give me your : e-mail I would like to chat with you. : : Thanks, : James Goss : :
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by Bert Hickman.
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