Is it possible to make something like your Tunnel Cube [IMG_2087a] but within cylinder form? If so, and assuming a diameter of 1.25" and a length of 4.5", what would be the price?
Also, is it possible to make a dodecahedron with any 'captured lightning' pattern?
Yours sincerely,
Thom Truelove
Re: Possible product
Posted by Bert Hickman on 6/1/2010, 10:38 pm, in reply to "Possible product"
--Previous Message-- : Hello Stoneridge, : : Is it possible to make something like your Tunnel Cube [IMG_2087a] but : within cylinder form? If so, and assuming a diameter of 1.25" and a : length of 4.5", what would be the price?
We do have some 2" x 6" cylinders that are like this. These particular specimens were continuously rotated as they were being irradiated so that they formed a cylindrical layer of charge and a cylindrical discharge zone inside.
Because of internal magnification, the inner discharge cylinder looks much larger than it actually is...
This style will be introduced in the future as a standard product offering (as future Style 53). However, we do have some experimental specimens available for $95 each plus $8 for S&H.
: : Also, is it possible to make a dodecahedron with any 'captured lightning' : pattern?
Yes. Do you have any sources for high quality, clear, solid acrylic dodecahedrons? If you can provide a source for these, or if you can provide some specimens, we can irradiate them during a future production run. I suspect they'd really look great! :^)