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To be fair no one has ever seen us in the sane room together
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A certain member, who definitely doesn’t condone Trump’s behaviour, is having trouble accepting other people have opinions. Previous Message
It’s not like he’s been going around endorsing far right parties and slagging off anyone left of Il Duce Previous Message
anyone saying it wasn't is deluded.
I try and take a balanced view on these things and am less ideologically focussed than I was years back. But even to me, that was definitely a Nazi salute. No way he does that without understanding the significance. Previous Message
Looks like he meant it to me.
So what now.....are we all going to run round screaming for days many executive orders will take a back seat on peoples feeds while that happens?
When will we learn, most people dont care....they either ignore it, in a minority of cases support it and the majority see it for what a probably is, trolling designed to wind up liberals.
It was the same all through the campaign, days of talk about the rally and the Puerto Rico joke, all te liberal pundits loved it....gotcha....Puerto Ricans didnt care. Maybe if we they focused on how tariffs would raise prices for those Puerto Ricans it might have cut through.
I read the other week someone saying te left and centre needs its own answers instead of obsessing over the right. If the right leaves a shit on the pavement, instead of clearing it away and moving on, the liberals gather round the shit, poking it and prodding it, who left the shit, how long has it been there, what had they been eating.
Disclaimer (sadly necessary it seems!) - my posts here on The People's Forum are my own thoughts and opinions as a fan, not those of the Fan Advisory Board. Thanks.