Posted by St Pete

on January 21, 2025, 2:09 am
We did nothing wrong so I'm going to pardon everybody.Whats wrong with this picture? Look I'm not looking for a fight but get over TDS for FCUK sake. UTFT
St Pete

- Tbh - Col January 21, 2025, 2:40 pm
- I've just found out that TDS is Trump Derangement Syndrome. - Brentwood Blue January 21, 2025, 9:57 am
- that's ok, shitposting happens. Don't make it a thing though or you end up like 'suzie' nt - db January 21, 2025, 8:26 am
- Re: Pardon - ICally January 21, 2025, 7:43 am
- Do people get more right-wing the more they drink? Nt - TurkeyBlue January 21, 2025, 4:30 am