on January 19, 2025, 4:32 pm
I trust that this message finds you well. Again, I am sorry to bother you when the banks are closed. I know how that makes you nervous.
Once more unto the Old Ladyboy, dear friend! Today the assets ran about with a product called “Tottenham Hotspur.” (I kid you not – I think it is the name of their Hungarian founder, Baron von Hotspur’s, daughter or wife, you know like Benz named the Mercedes after his daughter, and Ford the Escort after his wife)
The Totts are managed by some dude with a Hungarian name too, only he’s from Australia (which is apparently also a country, somewhere). He looks like a used car salesman, although ironically everyone was offering to call a taxi for him.
Before the opening number I met with Jose Moyes in his office, to ask about the net situation. We don’t communicate that well, what with me only speaking English and him being a Scot, but he mentioned Gerda Fookoot quite a lot. I think she’s the Dutch physio we employ as head of Damages & Returns.
As it was, everyone was happy in Part One when we got an early net, and then I didn’t get to do two pages of my Sudoku before we got another one (thank you Gerda). Later that same Part the Totts gave us one of theirs, which I thought was quite decent of them, however we were required to give it back in Part Two when they also had a net of their own.
During the intermission I met the Totts ‘custodian’ (hardy har-har: I love that word. You put in half a billion and you get called ‘custodian’…ya’ gotta love the punters.) It’s a guy called Levy. Nasty piece of work, as you’d expect of someone named after a tax. His customers think little of his assets, they refer to them as “spares”.
Otherwise, in Part Two I managed eight pages of Sudoku, so except for the Totts, everyone had a good time, but I’m thinking perhaps net-heavy shows set an unhealthy precedent? Still, now may be the time to increase the price of the pies, if not the tickets. Just a thought.
We picked up three ranking credits, unlike when we ran about with the Peter Boros. It’s been explained to me (Peter Reid) that we did not get credits then because of the offside rule.
Here’s to stocks rising and taxes falling.
Up the Taffys.
Marc Watts-it-all-about-Alfie?
on behalf of The Yanks of the Royal Blue Mersey
Postscript: Are we selling asset 11, Harrison? I think perhaps he’s off to the MLS. I heard a few of our consumers saying they are crowd funding a contract for him, or on him, involving Sicilian agents in Las Vegas. I’ll have our legals at Earnings, Yield & Dividend take a look into this first thing Monday, assuming that they make bail.
...spitting ions in the aether...