From a person with my cultural upbringing, seeing polls of people with views about being gay or leaving a religion or women's rights or whatever is interesting, particulary when they differ from mine so drastically - on a statistical level of course. I would always judge a person on their behavior - and plenty of white english blokes are cunts and I dislike their views, I get that.
You take a look at the report, take a look at it to the bottom. I think - happy to be told otherwise - that PEW seems fairly reasonable and non-partisan. So when you see 40% of people take a view on things like voting rights or sexuality as being "wrong" - and I am a fairly switched on person and, I hope, not a racist or someone who pigeonholes people based on whatever - then those numbers are high. And then I think - well, if 100 people from this sample group came into the UK, would 40 of those people have these views? Or higher in various issues.
And this is where it becomes an issue. I know most of the England First thugs aren't thinking about things from a statistical level and are more concerned about muslim ray guns (etc) but looking beyond those idiots, statistically - views on what we may consider reasonable, liberal views around society are not shared to the same level across the world and in this case muslim societies.
I am sure some people will take issue with this, if so please educate me - I am open to learning. It's obvious that these statistics should not be indicative and lead to "cultural racism" - we should judge everyone based on how they act, of course. But how can that be squared with immigration and numbers being in their millions and then a % of those millions holding views that I - and I think most of us - don't agree with? Statistically it does seem to be a problem, to me.
I may wish I didn't post this. I don't mean to offend anyone. But we do have different societies across the world and the people in those societies have different views on things than "we" do. Can they change, do they change, should they change, should I change? Maybe I am wrong about being gay or whether I want to live under Sharia Law - I am happy to discuss, but I hope no one thinks I am a racist or unreasonable, because I am not.
Love to all x,%2C%20imagined%2C%20or%20constructed%22 .
I very much doubt many people these days - obviously some, perhaps a vocal significant minority - are traditional racists IE black people have a lower IQ or whatever. But I have no doubt people are culturally racist - IE Muslims believe X or Somalians act Y therefore I dislike them. It's opposed to treating individual people by their actions or the content of their individual belief, more grouping people together - not from a skin colour or DNA point of view but rather a cultural collectiveness.
Hence why your father in law is against immigration or looks unfavourable on muslims (or whoever) but when he meets his daughters fella he judges him by his actions or personality and then it's fine because he isn't "one of them"
I think what lots of 'us' on the the liberal left miss, is that many people dont accept our definition of racism.
I mentioned this a while ago with regard to my farther in law. He jokes about black men being criminals, Jews being mean and other similar racist tropes, to an extent he believes them too. He is fiercely anti immigration. But he was perfectly comfortable when his daughter was dating a black guy, and would have been equally comfortable if his grand kids had of been mixed race.
The liberal left, the media, academia, has all largely and I think, justifiably, decided racist language and racist stereotypes are the building blocks of more pro active racism.
The fact is, millions of people dont agree, nor do they agree that there is any connection between racsism and being anti immigration.
So they arent ignoring Trump or Johnson's racist comments, they dont see them as a problem, they don't see them as racist.
I feel like we need another term, having to use same one for my father in law and a fully fledged combat 18 member, misses a lot of nuance.
So if we want to convince voters Trump is racist, the things he says are almost irrelevant, what has he done that shows an active hatred of other races?