Opening with the old favourite, self-pity, then moving through the gears onto lies, gratuitous spite, racism, short-lived attempts to be endearing and incoherent rambling nonsense with a theme of self-aggrandisment running throughout. We may have heard all of these before but I think there's a hint of desperation creeping in now. He as good as admitted he wanted Biden to stay on as he thought it would be a slam dunk, and is now scrabbling around for personal attack lines on Harris. So far he's tried that she laughs a lot and that she's "dumb" which doesn't really work for obvious reasons . So he thinks the next best way to go in is on the race angle. Fuck me, is this really where we're at in 2024? Of course his supporters will now make the usual contortions to claim that he didn't say what he said, or that he was being misrepresented by the fake news media who are scared of him challenging the establishment or some other such horseshit.
Democrats want abortion to include babies that have actually been born? Is this the kind of shit that he comes out with to the MAGA hats? Bringing it to a wider audience may not be the vote winner he thinks it is.
As for the attempt at trying to tailor his message to a black audience by trying to scaremonger about immigrants stealing their jobs...
Biden isn't mentally fit to be President, but we're supposed to believe this piece of work is?
Packed full of the usual lies and bluster, painting himself as a victim (nasty questions etc) all of which he can reel-out at length and at will, thus preventing any meaningful comeback.
Never really answers the questions, trots out the well-worn insults, exaggerations and falsehoods. It's what he always does and what everyone comes to expect.
Tbh, I didn't see anything that made this a unique car crash.
Talk about a car crash...