on 9/1/2023, 7:52 am, in reply to "From 2020: WOMAN ON THE RUN in context--A chance for a "mini-Top 25" type poll for the noirs of 1950"
1: Dial 1119; Gun Crazy; Highway 301; In a Lonely Place; The Sound of Fury aka Try and Get Me
2: 711 Ocean Drive; D.O.A.; No Man of Her Own; Shakedown; Where the Sidewalk Ends
3: The Asphalt Jungle; The Breaking Point; Night and the City; Panic in the Streets; Sunset Boulevard
4: Mystery Street; One Way Street; Quicksand; Side Street; The Underworld Story
5: The Damned Don't Cry!; Guilty Bystander; The Lawless; The Man Who Cheated Himself; Where Danger Lives
6: Convicted; Outside the Wall; Southside 1-1000; Unmasked; Woman on the Run