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    Their goal yesterday

    Posted by Doctor Ince on 26/1/2025, 11:54:59

    Shows in part why Edwards was sometimes reluctant to make changes.

    The game was heading towards the most boring 0-0 since Preston but Bloomfield, to his credit, decided to change shape and give it a go. In under a minute Bell is somehow in the middle of the 2cbs, and no one is at left back, they play the ball out there and goal.

    Without that change I don't think we get out of shape like that.

    I thought any shape we had went completely once we made the changes, so while I applaud the idea of changing it, it didn't work. We were going long to Morris who had their giant on him, and Adebayo who doesn't actually challenge in the air, so it was coming straight back. Should've stuck McGuiness up there for the last 5

      Re: Their goal yesterday

      Posted by Ampthill Mob on 26/1/2025, 16:36:27, in reply to "Their goal yesterday "

      We continually go long as there's no ball carrier or creative player in midfield. Clark and Krauss run a round a lot but with very little end product. Wide men yesterday of Brown (who isn't and never will be a winger) and Doughty (who had very little of the ball) offered the square root of fuck all, whilst our new winger sat on the bench.

      So we go a goal down and have no idea or threat to claw ourselves back into the game. In fairness Milwall had enough chances to win 0-3. Missed a pen, and then their guy was left unmarked () in box 2nd half and should have scored.

      We, again, offered very, very little, which is the main worry.

      None of that Billy Big Bollocks shit

        Re: Their goal yesterday

        Posted by bbb on 26/1/2025, 15:48:44, in reply to "Their goal yesterday "

        I like the look of Bloomfield so far. He's got the balls to change things. 4 subs at once at Oxford, the formation yesterday. He's still finding his feet and he's not got much quality at his disposal so I'm confident once he gets his grip on the squad, we'll do OK in League 1 next season.

        He's also come out and he 'gets' why the players got a load of shit after the final whistle yesterday. If he can understand and accept it, I'm not sure why some of our more precious supporters can't.

          Re: Their goal yesterday

          Posted by Fishing Hat on 26/1/2025, 12:31:07, in reply to "Their goal yesterday "

          Shocking decision bringing Adebayo on. He offers us nothing.

            Re: Their goal yesterday

            Posted by City Gent on 26/1/2025, 16:28:12, in reply to "Re: Their goal yesterday "

            Their goal was a direct result of Adabayo's cowardice - not sure if the highlights go back far enough but he absolutely bottled it when the ball was played into him, 2 passes later the ball's in our net. That substitution lost us the point.

              Re: Their goal yesterday

              Posted by Ostrich spotter on 26/1/2025, 12:34:24, in reply to "Re: Their goal yesterday "

              Correct. I must admit I find it strange when the midfield are not creating very much for the strikers so the solution appears to be to replace a midfielder with a striker. So, your underperforming midfield becomes weaker resulting in even less creativity to supply chances to 2 strikers instead of 1

                Re: Their goal yesterday

                Posted by MG on 26/1/2025, 14:41:27, in reply to "Re: Their goal yesterday "

                Because we went long after that.

                  Re: Their goal yesterday

                  Posted by Ostrich spotter on 26/1/2025, 15:00:09, in reply to "Re: Their goal yesterday "

                  That worked well especially when viewed alongside the passing accuracy stats posted elsewhere

                    Re: Their goal yesterday

                    Posted by Ostrich spotter on 26/1/2025, 16:08:03, in reply to "Re: Their goal yesterday "

                    I would say it was even less effective if that is at all possible. Suffice to say short ball, long ball we still only had 2 efforts on target so still not good enough. Unfortunately you know the cupboard is bare when you throw a hopelessly out of form Adebayo on to try to salvage something

                      Re: Their goal yesterday

                      Posted by MG on 26/1/2025, 15:12:07, in reply to "Re: Their goal yesterday "

                      No it didn't.

                      But then it wasn't any less effective than what went before it.

                      But it's hardly "strange".

                    Re: Their goal yesterday

                    Posted by Fishing Hat on 26/1/2025, 12:53:05, in reply to "Re: Their goal yesterday "

                    Summed up perfectly.

                  Re: Their goal yesterday

                  Posted by Findlay on 26/1/2025, 12:24:19, in reply to "Their goal yesterday "

                  Looked to me like we went 3 at the back for a short while after Adebayo came on. Which is why I think bell ended up between the cb's

                    Re: Their goal yesterday

                    Posted by Ostrich spotter on 26/1/2025, 12:31:11, in reply to "Re: Their goal yesterday "

                    I think you are being kind to Bell. Unless he and Hashioka were playing to instructions, they were both often between the two centre halves resulting in the centre halves going wider to cover.

                    I like Bell, however think he has been very poor since his injury. Obviously, not helped by having to play left back as his best position is on the left of a 3

                    Re: Their goal yesterday

                    Posted by Floater on 26/1/2025, 12:01:32, in reply to "Their goal yesterday "

                    Probably didn’t help that Mads waggled a leg Folies Bergère-style at Ivanovic before he pulled the trigger.

                      Re: Their goal yesterday

                      Posted by PaddyHatter on 26/1/2025, 14:58:09, in reply to "Re: Their goal yesterday "

                      "Mads waggled a leg Folies Bergère-style at Ivanovic "

                      Quote of the day. Absolute craic !!!!!

                        Re: Their goal yesterday

                        Posted by Trigger on 26/1/2025, 12:30:41, in reply to "Re: Their goal yesterday "

                        Made got the wrong side of the scorer then waved a leg as you say.
                        Although solid in the air, I thought his distribution yesterday was awful.

                    [ Luton Outlaws - The Avenue of Evil ]


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