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    Are we playing different, better football under Matt Bloomfield?

    Posted by AlanProperIrish on 25/1/2025, 19:27:53

    I think not. 3 matches. 9 points at stake. 1 taken.

      Re: Are we playing different, better football under Matt Bloomfield?

      Posted by Poster from the past on 25/1/2025, 19:32:18, in reply to "Are we playing different, better football under Matt Bloomfield?"

      He's already tried a few different players out and will still be sussing out who he wants to keep and where he needs to make the most urgent new signings. He's inherited an awful squad and it won't be his fault when we go down. He just needs to concentrate on making us promotion ready for next season in my opinion.

      outlaws is not the barometer of sanity.

        Re: Are we playing different, better football under Matt Bloomfield?

        Posted by Lord Fungusbottom on 25/1/2025, 19:30:24, in reply to "Are we playing different, better football under Matt Bloomfield?"

        Too early to tell. We haven’t got an immediate new manager burst though, that’s for sure.

          Re: Are we playing different, better football under Matt Bloomfield?

          Posted by Realistic on 25/1/2025, 23:06:52, in reply to "Re: Are we playing different, better football under Matt Bloomfield?"

          I've always though the "new manager burst" is more a result of the players trying to impress the new boss than anything that the boss specifically implements themselves.

          The fact this team doesn't show one tells you quite a lot. I think they have thrown in the towel already and many are trying to get a move away. Some may be bitter about not being able to leave in the summer.

            Re: Are we playing different, better football under Matt Bloomfield?

            Posted by Trindle and Buffoon on 25/1/2025, 19:36:55, in reply to "Re: Are we playing different, better football under Matt Bloomfield?"

            Won't get a bounce if there is no desire or hunger. It has become all too "matey" around the club, top to bottom. From the boardroom to the coaches to the players it is all too nicey-nicey. This apathetic attitude comes from no boundaries and the players having it easy under Edwards. Bloomfield needs to distance himself from the players. Perhaps part of the reason for walking off as he did......

      [ Luton Outlaws - The Avenue of Evil ]


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        Luton Outlaws accepts no responsibility for the content of this messageboard nor any other content posted on it. Luton Outlaws disclaims all liability for such content to the fullest extent permitted by law.

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