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    Lets all man up and grow a pair.

    Posted by Bootin on 25/1/2025, 19:08:30

    If we get relegated so be it. But moaning all the time about the board and the players will get us going down for sure. We are all supposed to be supporters. We need to get behind the players and give full support.

    Some of the posts on here are pathetic. FFS man up.
    I have supported LTFC since the mid 1940s and experienced many high and lows. Star players being sold to keep afloat, the ground sold etc etc. I still support them. RANT OVER>

      Re: Lets all man up and grow a pair.

      Posted by Ffspwmalarky on 25/1/2025, 20:56:19, in reply to "Lets all man up and grow a pair."

      Utter bollocks you spout. Nothing but nothing that is written by me or any other
      person on this sounding board will make a scap of difference to the board the players or the playing staff.
      It's not my fault that we are second bottom of the league.
      Or is it? Different approach. Come on luton we're champion league. Nah its not working. I guess it's not me then. It's the players.

        Re: Lets all man up and grow a pair.

        Posted by Bootin on 25/1/2025, 21:08:25, in reply to "Re: Lets all man up and grow a pair."

        Ditto. You jeer and boo the players and it does make a difference they play even worse.

          Re: Lets all man up and grow a pair.

          Posted by Ostrich spotter on 25/1/2025, 21:18:24, in reply to "Re: Lets all man up and grow a pair."

          Not sure that is even fcuking possible

            Re: Lets all man up and grow a pair.

            Posted by Poster from the past on 25/1/2025, 22:04:42, in reply to "Re: Lets all man up and grow a pair."

            The possibility of things getting better or getting worse are both infinite. Anyone that is over 40 and hasn't worked that out yet hasn't been paying attention to life!

            outlaws is not the barometer of sanity.

        Re: Lets all man up and grow a pair.

        Posted by Ches Fordroad on 25/1/2025, 19:26:07, in reply to "Lets all man up and grow a pair."

        If the players were giving their all, showing a bit of pride but losing to better teams and better players I’d be more than happy to back them, like we did last season.

        They’re not though. Sorry, I’m done with this group now even if they do surprise us all and manage to extract themselves from the shite they’ve landed the club in.

          Re: Lets all man up and grow a pair.

          Posted by Ostrich spotter on 25/1/2025, 19:20:57, in reply to "Lets all man up and grow a pair."

          Whether we moan or not we are going down. I think the fans have until recently done their part despite consistently being let down by the players. It may be the kick up the arse they need

            Re: Lets all man up and grow a pair.

            Posted by Bruno on 25/1/2025, 19:24:58, in reply to "Re: Lets all man up and grow a pair."

            Who was it that said at the end of last season that we start again from the Conference after getting relegated?

            Think it was Buzzard the Great.

            Tubby meladdo

            Re: Lets all man up and grow a pair.

            Posted by Kbot on 25/1/2025, 19:17:34, in reply to "Lets all man up and grow a pair."

            Yep. If it wasn’t for those pesky moaning supporters we’d be brilliant. Damn them!!!! All their bloody fault.

        [ Luton Outlaws - The Avenue of Evil ]


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