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Aggressive in the window
Posted by Mr Hatter on 25/1/2025, 18:17:20
Should be fun to Watch especially as Sweet is in charge Bravery in the face of defeat
About as aggressive in the window as we are on the pitch.
Shame some players only show fight and aggression at fans when walking down the tunnel and not during the 90 minutes on the green.None of that Billy Big Bollocks shit
Because we have so spectacularly fucked up in the last two windows we are up shit creek without a paddle in terms of signing players. Players coming here will only come if we pay them more money than they are on so we are looking lower league. Not sure that’s going to work and also if they do they are going to want some financial protection should we go down. Imo we need some decent prem loans and look to rebuild in the summer.
Absolutely. But not sure we have the time to do it in this window …disaster might be to strong but if we really do get a new stadium in 2027 it won’t be great if we are in league 1 ….it will be half empty.
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