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    Faux outrage spotting

    Posted by Cuba on 14/9/2024, 8:55:15

    This will piss on a few chips….

      Re: Faux outrage spotting

      Posted by Philthehatter on 14/9/2024, 10:58:29, in reply to "Faux outrage spotting "

      Wow, you found one example!
      Are you saying only pensioner's who have spunked all their earnings throughout their lives should recieve any help?

        Re: Faux outrage spotting

        Posted by Dave Hedgehog on 14/9/2024, 10:20:25, in reply to "Faux outrage spotting "

        Plenty do that.

        My parents spend theirs on christmas presents for the grandkids and alcohol.

        But they spend it. The money goes into the economy pays for people's wages and plenty comes back in tax.

        I'd prefer it if they taxed companies hiding in tax havens and the super-rich myself.

          Re: Faux outrage spotting

          Posted by Splinters on 14/9/2024, 10:04:06, in reply to "Faux outrage spotting "

          If the Tories had done this, the BBC would have found a pensioner who'd died of hypothermia on a red hot summers day.

            Re: Faux outrage spotting

            Posted by Trigger on 14/9/2024, 10:10:26, in reply to "Re: Faux outrage spotting "

            So you didn't read the whole article then?

              Re: Faux outrage spotting

              Posted by The Questioner on 14/9/2024, 10:24:36, in reply to "Re: Faux outrage spotting "

              I agree with the sentiment but the article is definitely about people not needing it and only a nod to those that do and aren’t going to get it.

            Re: Faux outrage spotting

            Posted by Romford on 14/9/2024, 10:02:00, in reply to "Faux outrage spotting "

            Good for him

              Re: Faux outrage spotting

              Posted by Bedford Hat on 14/9/2024, 9:22:25, in reply to "Faux outrage spotting "

              Exaxtly 👍

                Re: Faux outrage spotting

                Posted by Andy Cappuccino on 14/9/2024, 9:19:16, in reply to "Faux outrage spotting "

                BBC have taken a month to hunt down someone who doesn't need the allowance, licence money well spent as ever

                  Re: Faux outrage spotting

                  Posted by Lol on 14/9/2024, 9:54:07, in reply to "Re: Faux outrage spotting "

                  I remember you being so upset when working parents had their benefits cut. Oh, you weren't at all. You hypocritical, opportunist, chipshop smelling cunt.

                    Re: Faux outrage spotting

                    Posted by Wakefield baldy on 14/9/2024, 10:21:02, in reply to "Re: Faux outrage spotting "

                    Cry some more, cuntface.🤣🤣

                  Re: Faux outrage spotting

                  Posted by m on 14/9/2024, 9:15:46, in reply to "Faux outrage spotting "

                  you really are an ignorant cunt arent you

                    Re: Faux outrage spotting

                    Posted by Cuba on 14/9/2024, 9:47:41, in reply to "Re: Faux outrage spotting "

                    People who need it get it.

                    People who don’t don’t.

                    It’s quite simple.

                    If you haven’t managed to manage your investments by retirement age and expect to rely on hand outs then it’s your own fault.

                    The most vulnerable will be protected.

                    The money saved can be used to create a fairer society for all.

                    But the Tory and Reform voters don’t want fairness and equality if it means they have less for beer, fags and Sky Sports, sod those the needy.

                    Even saw an argument on here this week to say that Junior Doctors and GPs don’t deserve their pay rises but pensioners do.


                      Re: Faux outrage spotting

                      Posted by Nearly s Genius on 14/9/2024, 11:54:53, in reply to "Re: Faux outrage spotting "

                      “manage your investments”?

                      What world do you live in?

                        Re: Faux outrage spotting

                        Posted by Just an observation on 14/9/2024, 10:16:23, in reply to "Re: Faux outrage spotting "

                        Of course it is not as fcuking simple as that. There are a lot that do not need it, there is a relatively small number that will continue to get it. However, there will be a significant number of people who need it that will not get it. Not everything is as simple as in your Football Manager world

                  [ Luton Outlaws - The Avenue of Evil ]


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