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    Sheff Utd result

    Posted by Ga on 26/2/2024, 15:04:02

    I said it at the time and I will stick by it losing to Sheff Utd at home as really hurt us and knocked the wind out of our sales,it was a huge blow physiologically and we have not recovered from this result and I think it will take us down.

      Re: Sheff Utd result

      Posted by Winged Hatter on 26/2/2024, 21:11:46, in reply to "Sheff Utd result"

      I would have thought that after posting it so many times you would have worked out the correct words by now...

        Re: Sheff Utd result

        Posted by Herve Baquet on 26/2/2024, 17:09:56, in reply to "Sheff Utd result"

        Right so if we’d beaten Sheff U but lost to brighton things would be rosy?

          Re: Sheff Utd result

          Posted by Andy Cappuccino on 26/2/2024, 15:18:12, in reply to "Sheff Utd result"

          All teams have bad results, since then we've played well against ManU. What hurt us was a missed chance for 3 points. Get a grip.

            Re: Sheff Utd result

            Posted by James on 26/2/2024, 17:03:31, in reply to "Re: Sheff Utd result"

            Sails and Psychologically did you mean

              Re: Sheff Utd result

              Posted by Andy Cappuccino on 26/2/2024, 17:13:41, in reply to "Re: Sheff Utd result"

              Indeed, cutting him some slack and assuming it was predictive

            Re: Sheff Utd result

            Posted by RGDave on 26/2/2024, 15:17:50, in reply to "Sheff Utd result"

            Blimey, you're a ray of sunshine. Sometimes our team plays poorly. It happens. We push on and put it behind us.

              Re: Sheff Utd result

              Posted by Sandgrounder on 26/2/2024, 15:11:13, in reply to "Sheff Utd result"

              But equally if we are not good enough to adapt our game and beat Sheffield United and Burnley at home, that’s perhaps an indication that we’re just not quite good enough in general rather than been psychologically scarred by that bad result.

              We’re giving it a real good go and may still survive, but Brighton at home has been the performance and result that has been the exception, not Sheffield United.

              Our home form hasn’t been good enough in general, though you could counter by saying we’ve played all the top teams at home which skews things a bit. The remaining home games are our chance to show that we can get the results needed against those around us to stay up. We can still do it.

                Re: Sheff Utd result

                Posted by Herts Hatter on 26/2/2024, 15:08:23, in reply to "Sheff Utd result"

                not having a go but I think you are taking "media narrative" too seriously. In reality every game is different. Sheffield was a bad result but since then they (Sheffield) have been shit and we were not too bad against Man U and even for 45 mins against Liverpool. I think we are more than capable of pulling off a shock result against Villa although a lot depends on our injuries

                  Re: Sheff Utd result

                  Posted by ELH on 26/2/2024, 15:16:57, in reply to "Re: Sheff Utd result"

                  There's not enough credit given to Sheffield United either for that performance, which I thought was one of the best defensive performances against us this season and they were effective on the counterattack. They almost beat Villa at their place as well, but they can't do it week in and week out.

                    Re: Sheff Utd result

                    Posted by MG on 26/2/2024, 15:59:28, in reply to "Re: Sheff Utd result"

                    I was only half watching it but it looked like they definitely should have got something at Wolves too.

                  Re: Sheff Utd result

                  Posted by Ga’s English Teacher on 26/2/2024, 15:07:29, in reply to "Sheff Utd result"

                  I’m sorry folks. I tried my best, but you know what they say about polishing turds…..

                    Re: Sheff Utd result

                    Posted by MG on 26/2/2024, 15:07:21, in reply to "Sheff Utd result"

                    Seriously, do you know anyone who doesn't think that result hurt us in a big way?

                    Has everyone chosen to be a spineless surrender monkey though? Well no, but each to their own.

                  [ Luton Outlaws - The Avenue of Evil ]


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