Think I will move upstairs into the bedroom, lovely and warm a cosy there, but I cannot pause the TV and would still have to come down to let the dog out, again last night trying to get to sleep, voices of women chatting on there mobile phones, why don't the go into the own back gardens,
Re: Its so cold,
Posted by Ronnie on 12/1/2025, 8:38:07, in reply to "Its so cold," Board Owner
Not too bad here today, the ice is away with the rise in temperature, a chilly Sou'Eastrely wind.
Bessie had a good run on the beach this morning.
Re: Its so cold,
Posted by Norma on 12/1/2025, 16:07:36, in reply to "Re: Its so cold,"
Look as if you are in for a cold night Ronnie,hope you have plenty of hot water bottles or a electric blanket,Year ago we had a large metal box,inside was a light bulb, it was great for warming the bed,before central heating,unplug before you got into bed,
Re: Its so cold,
Posted by Norma on 12/1/2025, 10:14:51, in reply to "Re: Its so cold,"
I have a bin by my front door,thick sheet of ice on the water for the past few days, There are talking about Cardiff people eating welsh lamb,unless it change But my butcher once said Lamb solds in cardiff was from New zealand,are welsh was lamb was sent to france,But i did find it easyer to eat lamb from far away,rather than the lambs i had seen playing in the fields,My white poodle would stand on his back legs,to see the lambs,
Re: Its so cold,
Posted by Jean on 12/1/2025, 13:13:55, in reply to "Re: Its so cold,"
I've finally got the snow off the car. Up until today it was frozen solid!