Posted by Peter Carley on December 27, 2024, 9:12 am Edited by board administrator December 27, 2024, 9:35 am
Hello. I recently acquired a nice & tight field grade 12ga LC Smith. Have always liked them & found at a local store for a nice price. I've done a little research and seems to be from 1922. Barrels don't have typical LC Smith markings on them that I've seen before, but are mirror clean and ring like a bell so the solder is good I think. Fore-end doesn't seem to be original, but fits fine. stock is a bit different, and also may not be original. I bought this to do some trap/clays, not as a collector's item. Feels very tight and I may just try it out, tho' am considering having a gunsmith look at it first. Any info from you experts would be appreciated. Happy holidays and stay safe. - Pete
Re: Need Help Identifying
Posted by Drew Hause on December 27, 2024, 9:42 am, in reply to "Need Help Identifying"
It's a No. 00. Unfortunately that SN is missing from the remaining shipping records but it likely dates to about 1899. Yes, the forend is a later replacement. The pad looks to be a One Layer Jostam Sponge Rubber
Please looks through the FAQs for lots of information. The gun certainly needs a check and clean by a qualified double gun specialist.
BTW: I shoot recreational skeet weekly with my well used 1906 No. 00