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    Lost and then Found.... Archived Message

    Posted by Will on September 13, 2014, 10:45 am

    I have just found the stock and receiver to my Grade 1 16ga. I had packaged it up to send off to Jerry Andrews a while back for a recoil pad. Didn't get around to sending it, and at some point, apparently "hid" the thing before leaving on a trip. I recently saw the barrels and forend in my safe, and then went on a search for the rest. I remembered packaging but not shipping. Tore the house apart. Tore my office apart. Messaged Jerry in the hopes I had sent it to him. No luck. I had already passed the frantic stage, and had resigned myself to the idea that an employee who likes to throw stuff away had discarded the gun and box thinking it was just a box with a bunch of paper(doesn't weight much and even worse, the guy ain't the brightest). Just a few minutes ago I finally found it in the attic, sandwiched between the cushions for our outdoor lounge chairs. Now I'm questioning who is brighter - the employee or me.

    I learned something during my search - I was more concerned about the fact there were so few made than with the value of the piece. It was breaking my heart to think that a somewhat rare piece of history might possibly be lost forever.

    Good start to the afternoon. Now if my Dawgs can just take care of business against South Cackalacky.

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