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    Re: Merry Christmas Archived Message

    Posted by KRAFT on December 18, 2007, 5:19 am, in reply to "Re: Merry Christmas"

    Hello Ned;
    "DEER RETRIEVER"? We have deer come right into the yard to get the crab apples and they bed down in the jack pines, and they aren't the least bit afraid of her. (she couldn't catch a three legged one)
    She is however a proven "SKUNK HOUND". Tried to "play" with one the night before all the kinfolks were coming over for the big Thanksgiving feed. Miss Mann could tell the story much better than I (with many explitives deleted), as she did the cleanup. Suffice it to say that it takes many cans of tomato juice to "de-skunk" a 190 pound dog.
    Have a good one buddy;
    Bill Kraft
    P.S. Aint so sure if I'd want a Deluxe grade -- Be afraid to shoot it, and would have to run into town and have the banker get it out of the vault every time I wanted to look at it. An old set of 16 guage FW barrells that we could fit up to our Sunday gun would be OK though.

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