The L.C. Smith Collectors Association
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    Re: don't want my L.C. Smith anymore...where to go. Archived Message

    Posted by SGT on July 13, 2007, 2:36 pm, in reply to "don't want my L.C. Smith anymore...where to go."

    If the Ph.D you have now earned as you stumbled thru the wonderful world of vintage double guns only cost you $400; then trust me when I tell you that you are indeed a fortunate man, mine cost thousands! It was this knowledge in mind that via the advent of this website and others, I have attempted to share my extensive and expensive "wisdom" with others in the hopes that my mistakes would not be repeated; but alas, I can't save everyone. As pentance for your indescretions, I suggest you do the following: now that you have learned what does and does not constitute a solid using/shooting/collecting Smith gun, as well as what constitutes a fair/realistic price; immediately begin your search for an example that you can actually enjoy. As to your "learning piece", hang it on the wall of your home; making sure in the process that it's final resting place is in a prominent location (may I suggest above the toilet). Do this as a constant reminder as to just how easily hard-earned cash can be pissed-away on the wrong double gun. Following this sage advice will insure that you will never again repeat your original mistakes.

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