2-barrel set 12ga Grade 2
Posted by Fred Lima on January 5, 2025, 10:35 am
I recently purchased a 12ga Grade 2 (1905) with 30' & 26" barrels. Both barrels are equipped with ejectors. Each forend has the ebony inset. All numbers match. I have a letter from Mr. Stubbendieck describing this gun. He states that out of 10,815 12-gauge guns only 37 Number 2's were built with 30" and 26" barrels however, only 31 out of the 37 had ejectors installed in each barrel. I am not asking the value of this LC, but I am wondering where I can get it appraised. There are not many local experts in this field in Buffalo NY. I believe the barrels and stock are in 90% condition with the receiver showing about 25% case color. Any reference to an appraiser would be helpful. Thank you all in advance!