Ken is correct, I did a stock for a 16 ga Featherweight Field Grade that had a HOT and ejectors, the stock was cut and not in good shape, I was able to find a 12 ga. stock but it had double triggers. I used a mortising machine and used the old stock as a guide to set-up for the new stock. The 3/8" mortising chisel has to come out perfectly through the existing slot for the bottom trigger housing, if you are off 1/16" you ruined that stock because you will see the end results when the trigger guard goes on. After that you have to hollow out a section in the cheeks of the stock to let the selector switch move left to right. It took me 15 minutes to get the nerve to pull the handle on the mortising machine the first time. It came out great but I don't think I would ever attempt to do that again. I never took any pictures of the process and now I wish I had.