Congratulations on your recent SBT acquisition. I have a Crown Grade SBT shotgun with a 34 inch barrel, serial number S13583. I ordered a research letter and learned that it was finished September 29, 1919.
Since your SBT is only 242 guns earlier than mine, I suspect that it was made in 1919 as well (per the records there were 377 SBT's made in 1919).
I entered your serial number into the serial number search tool without the leading "S", and the result showed that it was manufactured in 1919. So I think the key is to not enter the leading "S" before your serial number.
I highly recommend that you request a research letter to learn more about your SBT. Who knows, it might have been made for a famous shooter! (I have several LC Smith shotguns that were ordered by/for famous shooters, and I had no idea until I ordered the research letter).
Enjoy your LC Smith SBT, I have found them to be excellent trap guns.
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