I used a 4"x 36" PVC pipe with a welded bottom and a screw cap. I used Laurel Mountain Forge bluing and Radio Shack etchant (15%) about a 1/3+ of a bottle and the rest distilled water (I have used my well water also) Make sure you mark the fill line on the PVC by using a 32" barrel then fill with water to get your fill line or else if you don't mark it you might be short or spill over if too much is added.
For a final coat I use old motor oil, heat the barrels slightly and apply the oil on a rag, helps protect them but gives then a slight sheen.
If you are looking for a factory type finish, L.C. Smith guns had a matte finish and many barrels you see that were done by most gunsmiths are shinny, looks nice but not right
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