Link: Country Legends In the Making
Syndicated world-wide by internet and am/fm stations
Show length: 1 hour. I welcome submissions of quality independent country music. Independent artists or lyricists are welcome to submit your songs in hi-fi mp3 format for consideration of airplay to me at but we require that you check out our submission guidelines on our station website at and fill out the broadcast release before submitting any songs or they will not receive airplay. Thank you for your understanding.
Dixie McCorkell CMA/CCMA/ECMA
Triplestrand Productions
Intro Mississippi Chicken Pickin'
Baywud Silver & Gold
Dennis Ledbetter Right To Bear Arms
Woodbox Heroes (Josh Martin) Cross The Line
Tim Stafford & Thomm Jutz Everywhere A Mountain
Sonja Evelyn Hideaway
Molly Claire Corman It Rains Everywhere I Go
Steve Madewell I Can't Get You Off My Mind
Claus & Higley (demo by airgigs) Baby Please
Chris Myers Are You Available
Sonja Evelyn Rivers In The Sky
Steve Madewell Drake Hollow
Woodbox Heroes (Josh Martin) Made Up My Mind
Chuck Thomas Whiskey Rich
Cyndi Aarrestad Put On The Garment
Outro Mississippi Chicken Pickin'