Don McLean - Song of the Bandit
Butch Falk - Hang the Key
R.J. Vandygriff - Montana Cowboy
Alice Hanks - The Line Rider
Kevin Tuckfield - Bring on the Pain
Cowboy Joe Babcock - The Girl From Happy Jack Hill
The Hot Texas Swing Band - Upon This Land
Al Clauser - Little Old Sod Shanty on the Claim
Erich Kunzel - The Green Leaves of Summer
K.C. LaCourse - Broken on the Murray (poem)
Paula Earline - Cool Water
John Lowell - Snow on the Wineglass
Jesse Rogers - Roll Along, Prairie Moon
Hilary Gardner - Jingle, Jangle, Jingle
Syd Masters - High Country Trail
Johnny Cash - Mean as Hell
Bob Petermann - Amazing Grace
Around the Campfire - 07/09/24
The Flying W Wranglers - Queen of the Rodeo
The Sons of the Pioneers - Get Along, Little Dogies
Steve Barker - Big Iron
Ed Meyer - Here on the Open Range
Peggy Malone - Charley Was His Name
Gene Autry & Carolina Cotton - Crime Will Never Pay
The Russellers - Trackin' On
Jim Jones - Cowboy Heart
The Sons of Cisco - Streets of Laredo
Duane Nelson - The Girl in the Yellow Checked Dress (poem)
Bob Wills' Texas Playgirls - Out on the Texas Plains
Dave Alexander - Fort Worth, Texas
Ryan Fritz - True Ranch Wife
Sara Pierce - I Fly Our Flag
Stan Jones - Sedona, Arizona
Roger Young - Slow Movin' Outlaw
Troy Bateson - Lord, You Made the Cowboy Happy
Marvin O'Dell
Around the Campfire
KKRN, Redding, CA
KZNQ, Santa Clarita, CA