Just curious. msg
Posted by Margie on 8/11/2024, 9:25 am
Weird stuff. I think is their servers. I was missing the code yesterday.
Posted by Nilsa on 8/11/2024, 2:05 pm, in reply to "Just curious. msg"
YES!! I am having that same problem and can't post photos>>>msg
Posted by Krissy on 8/11/2024, 1:58 pm, in reply to "Just curious. msg"
Unfortunately, it's all on Boardhost. I have admin access and even I couldn't do much.
Posted by Bethany in PA on 8/11/2024, 3:31 pm, in reply to "YES!! I am having that same problem and can't post photos>>>msg"
When I posted this it didn't ask for a code at all but I had to enter my name to reply. Crazy!
Posted by Margie on 8/11/2024, 9:26 am, in reply to "Just curious. msg"
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