Expensive houses with cabinetry that doesn't open...embossed shelves on the walls instead of real storage. Storage shelf made with scrap foam core and stickum paper from $store. Great place to keep everything for 5 girls living together.
This is one/two structures I haven't painted...soon, lol, soon. Two townhouses put together. One entrance door holds the fridge.
last one home gets the couch...lol.
Floors are fitted with foam cored to even it all out and make a smooth surface. Covered with stickum sheets from $ store. I drew an extra set of lines between the planks to make them the right proportion.
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We are an independent Barbie and family doll collector. Views expressed are independent. Enjoy collecting for the love of the hobby. ITP is sponsored by NBOS Software, 18Rabbit Software, and Easily Distracted Designs.