The last of my boxes arrived yesterday while I was at work and I unpacked them last night. So many things aren't visible in these photos - like the massive amount of pins and souvenirs I ordered.
I'm going to Squonkapalooza today (it's a cryptid festival centered around PA's most "famous" cryptid - the squonk) but tomorrow I'll start sorting things out and taking better photos. Including some of my gorgeous OOAKs from Pam Seeman of Paintbox Designs, Joshard, and a NiniMomo that I bought before I even left.
Oh, and if you're going to be in Cincinnati, Ohio, next week, let us know! Margie will be there selling at the Queen City show and I'll be there buying! It's the last one at EnterTrainment Junction (sniff - I love that place) and it's sure to be a good time!
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We are an independent Barbie and family doll collector. Views expressed are independent. Enjoy collecting for the love of the hobby. ITP is sponsored by NBOS Software, 18Rabbit Software, and Easily Distracted Designs.