In The Pink
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IN THE PINK! A Barbie Collector Site founded by Joanne Faulkner.

For Monday, September 23rd: "Purple Monday" - From twilight skies to foggy mornings, all shades of purple have it goin' on! (Check back at the end of each week for the new color.)
Silkie & Repro Tuesday (Any repros! Any doll made with Silkstone!)
Structures and Scenes Wednesday - Cases and Licensed Products too (Any Mattel doll! Any Era! What's a "scene"? You decide!)
Early Eras Thursday (any Barbie or friend from vintage through the Superstar eras)
Pink Friday (If it's got pink anywhere? Go for it.)
Anything Goes Weekends (As long as it’s made by Mattel, post away for two days!)

Theme of the Month for September: Fall Fest - show off your dolls in their fall best!

And remember, your favorite Barbie and other Mattel-made dolls are ALWAYS welcome!

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