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    Re: Neil "Razor" Ruddock Archived Message

    Posted by Michael on February 7, 2020, 9:34 am, in reply to "Re: Neil "Razor" Ruddock"

    That was agonising to watch. As soon as he delivers the big punchline of “Razor” having a píss through his shorts and it’s met with complete silence he’s scrambling to regain some semblance of dignity. He even gets up and does his jockeying at a corner impression to add another layer of drama to it and uses his best uber-Scouse (Wool!) accent to give it more gravitas.

    I’ve got a mate that’s a bit like him. As soon as he starts an anecdote I think: “oh God, no - this will go down like a lead balloon”. But he’s never deterred, he continues to tell unfunny stories to groups of people that never, ever laugh. It’s torture being there during them, knowing there’s going to be a really short, uncomfortable silence straight after it’s finished.

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