Hello I was hoping that someone might be able to help me find some relatives. They will be 3rd cousins of mine. There parents were - William MacDonald Baird and Anne Elizabeth Currie. I know that William was a well loved doctor in the Port Issac area and sadly passed away in 2011. His children will be - I guess in their 60s to 70s by now. If anyone has anything they could kindly share with me I would be delighted to here back Thanking you in advance Ellie
Re: Baird Family
Posted by Judith on 29/2/2024, 3:38 pm, in reply to "Baird Family"
if you go on freebmd, it shows 3 births reg Bodmin area, Alistair , 1955, Roderick 1958, Duncan 1959. They might not be living in the area now, but there might be something in the local papers for that area.
Re: Baird Family
Posted by Alick Lavers on 22/2/2024, 10:39 am, in reply to "Baird Family"
Port Isaac is in Cornwall. You could try Cornwall FHS...