I have found a baptism for Louisa Tozer 06/02/1800 Seaton and Beer this lists her parents as George Tozer and Mary Hatson Tozer - I am wondering if this Mother is correct as:
George Tozar marries Sarah Hatson on 01/06/1783 Seaton and Beer and I have found Baptisms/Burials for a number of children from Mary in 1784 up until George William Tozer 1805 (after Louisa) and on all these records it records the parents as George and Sarah Tozer.
It is only Louisa which records a different first name for Mother -note the Hatson is the same.
I would be happy for opinions on this. Thank you very much.
I wonder if it was a mis-hearing by the person who recorded the baptism.
I have a similar situation (albeit in Kent, not Devon, so a different accent) where I was expecting the mother to be Sarah, and it is recorded as Mary (I have seen the original entry). And the maiden name of the wife continues down through the generations as a middle name.