Re: The blitz in exeter
I have only just come across this message thread, and wondered if my memory of the war (I was born in 1940)might be of some interest. In 1942 after the 2 bombings of Exeter, my grandmother's brother in law who was a builder, was convinced that there would be a third bombing, so he rounded up all the family, of whom there were quite a lot, and loaded us all into his flat bed lorry. I remember being wrapped in a blanket and handed up into waiting relatives arms and we were all driven out onto the moors overlooking Exeter. There was no more bombing so we all went home again. I don't remember this but my mother told me about an incendiary bomb which came down a chimney into a bedroom, which was "fizzing all over the place". She had to extinguish it with the help of neighbours and a stirrup pump.