he was born in North Bovey 1801, Married Mary Phillips of LIdford, two daughters, Elizabeth, and Mary Ann.Mary Payne, wife on 1861 census Bovey Tracey as a widow. Have looked on find my past, for Newton Abbot and Plymouth, and matched up ages on GRO site, but none fit. pretty sure they were baptists at Hen St Chapel Bovey, so burials not likely to be found, as have searched for other relatives there, and would have spotted him. 1841 HE AND mARY are travelling Hawkers, selling pottery, he is staying with another William Payne, a china dealer in East Stonehouse, listed as a labourer, but age and birthplace right. The other William Payne a nephew I believe. Daughters in 1841 found, one working and one with Payne grandmother.