Re: Dating Photographs by Clothing
We consulted Jayne Shrimpton (details on line) who, for a small fee, produces reports dating photographs according to clothing. She dated the photograph of the man as being taken between the early-1880s and late-1890s: c.1883-1898. In relation to the woman, Jayne states “The subject’s seated composition or pose, along with the style of velvet fringed seat confirm that she was originally photographed in the 1870s or 1880s. Her separate bodice and skirt are not high fashion, but a conservative mode often favoured by mature women. The close-fitting style of her black bonnet indicates that the photograph was either taken c.1870-76, or c.1880-86. In between and immediately after those time frames – broadly 1876-80 and again 1886-1891 - her headwear would almost certainly have been taller in style.” Based upon that and our family trees, we have concluded that, if the photographs were taken at the same time and if they were husband and wife, they portray John Madge (1840-1884) and his wife Jane Madge nee Moore (1843-1922). If that is right, given Jayne’s conclusions, the photographs may well have been taken in 1883 or 1884. The handwriting on them, which appears to be a mid-20th century style, may well be that of their grandson Frank Charles Tremlett (1910-1987)