Your email, IP Address and other identifying ISP information can and do identify you if any slanderous, hearsay, or other derogatory postings are executed by you, the user. Seriously think about this before posting, as it is documented by your ISP when you post via your phone or home internet connection. If any of you want to create an open message board where it will be non moderated, feel free to email us the link. We will have many people willing to post there while you are held accountable. 😀
Recent events have brought out the anonymous trolls. I have received numerous emails that we are heavily deleting messages and obstructing freedom of speech rights. Anonymous postings full of vile hate and personal hostile opinion with no accountability is not a right.
The solution? Institute registration using a valid email. This will not be an issue for loyal posters, media employed or not. It will be an issue for the anonymous trolls. Your "username" will be yours and will automatically be used to post when you log in. Register your old used username before someone else tries to assume an identity. The regular users have emailed us at least once, so we know who you are. We do not care who you are, as in your real name. We recommend you use anonymous handles as you did before. *** Advantages of registration are being able to send "private messages" to users, setting up a signature line and profile.***
Before someone states "you will lose traffic", We really do not care for massive traffic, quality is better than quantity. Traffic has never been an issue or goal.
Have a great weekend!
President Pedro and staff.
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