Ah, the cost! Yes, you are correct. I didn't take that into account. My barber recently went from $16 to $17, and then he retired a few months ago. I would give him $25. Most barbers I go to now charge $20, and I either give them $25 or $30. You are right, it is getting expensive. I take that part for granted. Any chance on finding a private barber that enjoys doing it and would keep you shaped up for free? Previous Message Hey GenXHaircutFan, Thanks for your perspective on my post. I hope that you have a great barber that doesn't charge too much for your flattop, as it's getting to be an expensive haircut to keep looking good. I also get mine cut every 3 weeks an once in a while after 2 weeks if my barber is going to be on vacation when the third week hits or I have a special occasion that I want to look good for. As of September 1, the price is going from $20 to $25 and I have been tipping $5, so $30 bucks every 3 weeks is going to add up quickly. We'll see what happens. Have a great rest of your summer!!! Previous Message Hey Flatfanatic! I am a "flat fanatic" too! The flattop is my true holy grail of favorite haircuts. My thoughts on your dilemma are not to forego really "exciting" experiences because of what is going to happen afterwards, especially thoughts of how it will affect future haircuts. For the longest time, I was looking for the best "long to short" experience. I let my hair grow to lengths that I really didnt like because I was "saving up." I forewent many opportunities to get haircuts at barber shops because I was waiting for that perfect experience. Now that I look back at it, all I did was waste chances to get haircuts and enjoy it. I spent more time thinking about it than actually doing it. Finally, about 5 years ago, I went flat and have kept it flat every 2-3 weeks since. I love it, and I love every trip to the barber. Even if there isn't huge pile of hair to fall every time, the experience of being in the shop is just as much fun, and provides endless enjoyment when reliving those experiences. So, if a shave is what is striking your fancy right now, then SHAVE IT!!! The excitement of it will be amazing because it is what you want right now! It is going to grow back, and I bet that you will be able to relive your experience in shaving it many times over. Even if you shave it right now, that flattop is only about 8 weeks away! At the end of the day, don't deprive yourself! Previous Message Why do I have an overwhelming desire to shave my head when I know that I will not be happy with it after a couple of months? The last time I shaved my head was in January of 2023 and I was hell bound on keeping it that way for one year before deciding to keep it shaved or revert back to the flat. After two months I decided that I didn't look good with the chromedome and went back to my trademark flattop. I got my first flattop in 1986 and it took around 15 years of going back and forth before committing to it. I think the first time I shaved my head was 2005. Perhaps if I decide to shave it again for the 7th, 8th or I don't remember how many times, I'll keep it? Besides, last week when I got my flat tuned up, my barber had a notice that the cost of a haircut would be $5.00 more beginning September 1st...that alone would save around $500.00 a year based on getting my flat tuned up every 3 weeks.....Does anyone else share in my dilemma? Sorry for the long drawn out rant. |
Message Thread
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This board is designed to be a destination to discuss male haircuts, from buzzcuts, flattops, bald, and more!
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